Urgent Call to Prayer

Join Our North American Prayer Initiative as America Approaches a Pivotal 1776 Moment

Welcome to Christians for Freedom

Empowering Churches, Enriching Communities

Galatians 5:1: "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let ourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

As our nation navigates critical challenges, the future of our communities and the well-being of our neighbors across the United States, Canada and Europe are deeply interconnected. We invite you to join us in a dedicated prayer movement, seeking divine guidance and protection for our governments and societies. Together, let us intercede for the well-being of our nations and influence the global direction during these pivotal times.

At Christians for Freedom, we recognize that the western world is facing a spiritual and moral crisis. Yet, we believe it is not too late to bring about positive change—if enough Christians unite in fervent prayer. Our citizens and leaders are under an unprecedented spiritual and moral assault, but we know that prayer is our most powerful weapon. As the government reflects the character of its citizens, it is imperative that the people turn to righteousness first, so that a righteous government can follow.

As it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

United, We Can Turn the Tide

We are committed to encouraging churches across the United States and Canada through a focused, two-step prayer initiative that unites the collective power of Christian prayer to strengthen and heal our communities, and to uplift both citizens and their political representatives through divine intercession. Please join us in reclaiming the spiritual sanctity of our towns and government spaces:

Our Two-Step Prayer Initiative


Bury the Prayer Request

It only takes about three minutes to use a shovel to open a small slit in the ground, place a plastic baggy containing the prayer covering inside and close the opening with your foot. We encourage pastors and church leaders to place the following community prayer covering at the four corners of their towns and around its government properties. This act is a physical manifestation of our prayers, symbolically reclaiming these spaces for wisdom, purity, peace, and divine guidance. Like the Passover lamb's blood on the doorposts, these buried prayers act as a spiritual covering to protect our communities and political representatives from spiritual attack and moral decay.


Increased Faith through Visualization and Prayer

To strengthen and amplify the congregation's faith, we encourage pastors to set aside a few minutes at the end of each church service for a prayer of thanksgiving, expressing gratitude for God having already answered the church’s buried prayer requests. During this time, the specific buried prayer request is displayed and read aloud by the congregation using an overhead projector. Additionally, a map highlighting the approximate locations of these prayer requests can be shown. This visual aid serves as a powerful reminder of the blessings received through faith and the anointed geographical areas that are blessed and protected by God.

United in Prayer

Like David facing Goliath, we recognize that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. Confronted with overwhelming political and financial powers, our strength and victory come through unity, fervent prayer, and obedience to God. When we unite in prayer, we amplify our requests, believing that there is power in numbers and that our collective voices can move God to intervene, defend, and restore our freedoms, prosperity, and blessings. Jesus commanded us to break the cycle of violence and war through His teaching of loving our enemies. If we are truly called to love our enemies, then we must bless them through proactive diplomatic efforts, reject the practice of killing them, and refuse to enrich the “war class” through endless “forever wars.”

A Call to Wholiness

Humanity has come a long way from the days of feudalism—when the majority lived as peasants under the control of a wealthy few—to the flourishing middle-class era of the 1950s and '60s, characterized by a more equitable distribution of power and resources. Today, however, we are witnessing a troubling return to a new form of feudalism, promoted by elite organizations like the World Economic Forum, which envision a future where “individuals will own nothing and be happy,” while its members own everything and are even happier. This shift is further compounded by the rise of a corporate oligarchy, where our elected representatives prioritize corporate interests over those of their constituents, often at the expense of our health due to compromised food and medicine.

The Christians for Freedom Organization stands as a spiritual stronghold against these troubling trends. We advocate for a return to an era of true democracy and free speech, where a thriving middle class holds both assets and influence, ensuring that our governments reflect the will of the people—not merely the agendas of the wealthy and powerful.

Why It Matters

The purpose behind these actions goes beyond ritual—it serves as a catalyst for stronger faith. By engaging both mind and spirit in the act of obedience and surrendering to God’s will when burying prayer requests, we help churches across the nation cultivate a deeper sense of conviction that God is actively protecting and blessing their communities and governments. Together, we are not just hoping for a better future; we are laying the foundation for it through obedience, prayer, and faith. Through our united obedience, heartfelt prayers, and unwavering faith, we trust that God will bless and protect our communities and government.

Contact Us: Greg Beckett, Managing Director, [email protected],

My LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregbeckett